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My first Lyfe!

 51 Summer 547 (25 September 2002)

  • Wooh! It's me again! Recently I went with a nice group to Fat Alice's beach - and for the first time ever I could see a Lyfe up close and personal! These kitty-beasts proved to be really a challenge. I am sure we just found a tiny one, but still we were not able to kill it. Luckily Kishi and K'Pyn dropped by and helped a bit. Still very exciting. These looked so harmless! (at least in daylight!)
Harmless kitties turning into beasts!
  • Another funny event was the founding of a new clan! Under the leadership of our forester van de Koll we helped to create "the tree huggers association"! Of course we others stayed in the Edarian Alliance - but for the full story please view the vision stone at the clan scrolls!.

What going on here?!
  • Ohhhh, see what kind of offer I got while we were hunting on Devils Isle? It's indeed hard to resist - Aradia knows how to confuse a warrior! I had trouble to kill the Rage then, but luckily it gave way soon. *chuckle*

I did save her, of course! *blush*
  • After I got savely back from that DI hunt, I had the luck to get invited to a raid through the Orga Outback! By now I get invites to go to cool places much more frequently than in earlier times, which makes me very happy. Looks like my training progress is apparent! Yay, thanks folks! Still I often have to decline such invites due some lack of time. That time it was perfect, though! Plenty of time and a nice group!
    We rushed through Snaggy and had some tatical meeting right at Wishers Gate. Always listen and learn. (And have a good chuckle 8)

Tactical decisions...
  • GrayGradi mentioned a good point to Sa'Wrap, who fell asleep right in battle! While we waited, Lex had done apparently some entertaining program! Yikes! From the look at Sa'Wraps face we could guess he was very sorry 8)

A reminder to keep focused! 8)
  • Wow, we cleared the Orga Outback in good time! I had a very nice time there, because I was able to tag almost everything. I was even lucky on some Hatreds and Frenzies! Yay! The Orga Village itself did not really slow us down, too. And because we had some extra time, I got a little scenic tour through the local attractions. Look at that nice statue! It's supposed to show Bartok, a big ass Orga, who was defeated a long time ago.

An orga museum?
  • The tour continued underground! I was shown some tunnes beneath the orga village - some that were never travelled by exiles so far! It's exciting to see a place where noone was ever before... (at least of what we know). After that we went home without trouble. Thanks folks, very enjoyable hunt! Yay!

Still some real challenges out there!

  posted 2002-09-25 20:07:14 CET - 2 comments [Viewed 2715 times]

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