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So much for atkus training.

 23 Spring 549 (19 February 2003)

  • Yikes! That late again? Sorry for not keeping up as I used to.. I am quite busy lately. So there is only small stuff to report this time. Still I enjoyed greatly a quick tour with Makhno and Leos through our favorite "newbie" areas such as lilly pond, TGBG and the savannah. (We skipped rocky cavern because it was occupied 8). We found out there that we got plenty of skea, but still not enough atkus... dooh! 8)
Coining and whiffing tours at work!
  • A little while later I tried to do the same again - Finnian came with me to lilly pond. We managed to kill the first wave of attackers, but had certain problems then as a Maha managed to bite Finn!

Preparing for the big stuff...
  • Well, and there was a little rescue at devils isle. I stepped out of the lib to learn that a lot of my friends were fallen. After some research I found them near the caves north of the zerk woods and gathered some help. Thanks to all who came! On the way home we stumbled over a rather surprised rage and zerk couple. We relieved them of the embarassment 8)

We were there! 8)

  posted 2003-02-19 22:52:59 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2379 times]

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31 Autumn 552 (26 December 2003)Merrily, merrily, merrily.No comments
81 Summer 552 (16 December 2003)To coin or not to coin...No comments

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