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Beyond the waterfall

 64 Winter 550 (06 May 2003)

  • I am back! Sorry for the long break, but I am really busy at the moment. Hopefully I will be more around in a few days! 8)
    Anyway, as I checked town center recently, I saw a heavily overworked Zorton tuning sunstones nonstop. Guess nobody would have believed that some zordiacs ago! 8) Because I also want to have a sungem soon I went to the north western forest to get some coins. There I joined up with iTornade and we devasted the bear caves! Arr!
Stress management for Zorton? (And getting coins for a sungem! 8)
  • After iTornade had to leave I roamed the woods alone for a while until I met Lorikeet and Ebony. Lori suggested that we could try one of her favorite places - an area beyond the grey myr village - right next to a big waterfall. I was not very fond of the idea (the water did sound quite dangerous) and Ebony feared about a possible lack of horus *chuckle*. But the point is that neither Ebony nor me ever were at that place. So off we went to find the secret entrance while dodging tons of rocks and pebbles.
Deciding where to go next...
  • It was a small miracle but we actually found the waterfall. Of course as I stared at it I stopped dead in my tracks and paid the price. Luckily Lori got a quick chain and dragged me into some safe area. The downside was that the only way out was jumping down that fierceful waterfall. YIKES!!!
    (I survived... barely...)

Hide and seek!
Trapped! And the most possible horror waiting!
  • Then Lori led us through many many more snells - mostly filled with wendies. We made a pretty good coinage and had several exciting moments. And we were pretty much alone, as the chance to meet other hunting parties were quite slim. But we prevailed and mastered the whole area. Wow! That was some really interesting trip and lots of thanks to Ebony and Lori for protecting me all the time! 8)

Pfew! Going home!

  posted 2003-05-06 22:17:52 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2438 times]

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