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 81 Spring 550 (01 June 2003)

  • These are hard times at the moment! Due some new unexpected tidings I was again confined mostly to the lib in the last zordiac. Still I had to go hunting once in a while, so I am not eaten alive by the outrageous libraries costs! 8)
    On a quick stroll through the north western forest I was happy to find both a Zerk and a Maha. A rare sight (and two dispatches 8)

Affording the library...
  • Now for something not so pleasant! There was an attack on my mental (and physical!) well-being right inside the fighter barracks. Unbelievable! And there was not even Polerand there to blame! *chuckle*

Dooh - the big guys wanting trouble? 8)
  • The attacks did not cease - only hours after the green skin color finally worn off (thanks forester) I was assaulted again! Guess it was not my day. I know Dongle is very fond of purple, but that was simple not necessary. I just hope that at least the ladies like it! 8)
Dongle! Again! Just as I was clean again!
  • A yes, remember that Uli flower I found at the last clan hunt? I raffled it and got a pretty nice price. This will make it a bit easier to spend some more days in the library *sigh*.

This helps me through a while in the lib 8)
  • Well, for a change I was invited to a small Noth hunt by Veer. I could not stay long because of some pretty fierce weather, but I helped to vanq several Pallidews and even one Landew! Yay!
    I hope the hunt went well, even with me not there *chuckle*. I truly hope to bring more time and better weather conditions next time.

Short visit on Noth...

  posted 2003-06-02 01:17:46 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2193 times]

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