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How to become cute!

 02 Autumn 550 (26 June 2003)

  • I am back! Sorry for the little delay, but you know how addicting the library can be! 8)
    And things seem to have changed a bit since last time I was out in the lands. Like as I found a young fallen thoom deep in the woods who insisted not to be helped! I shrugged and went on to find more fun at the lily pond.

Young thooms can be strange...
  • And there I was more lucky! Lots of ferals persuaded me to gather a little group. I remember a lot of nice coins! On the beach the young and pretty sylvan lady Lathienne showed great promise in luring large sand worms! Yay! 8)
Finding furs and company!
  • After LP the usual place to be is the tree giant breeding grounds. Again a band of fiece spriggins robbed us badly. But we got the coins back at least.
    Some time later I was with Conaria in the northern plains and we had some fun in the chamelopod area. We found a lone tree and I had a hard time to solo it. Conaria helped of course! 8)
Darn them spriggins - and finding a lonely tree
  • And I showed Mani (he had a long study break) some new stuff. He was very impressed with the vermine tree. Looks like I found a good time to get the resolution to train more Regia 8)

Now inside the tree! 8)
  • Well - and here some creative marketing idea. I will not further comment that. But I look damn cute! 8))

- no comment -

I want to remind on the planning of the Orga Camping III!
Please check it out and vote for a date. This will be a big OOC meeting near Munich, Germany in summer. Even non-Edarians are welcome! 8)

  posted 2003-06-26 20:01:01 CET - 1 comment [Viewed 2376 times]

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