Nekkid hunt! (Clothing optional)
03 Summer 551 (01 September 2003)
- Yay! The last days I was able to be out of the lib a lot! Therefore there
is a lot to report! 8)
For example I helped Dana a bit with her quest to aquire mittens from Smitty!
I don't need them of course, I got quite warm and furry paws (Smitty is just a weakling!!).
Still I almost regret it - Dana really enjoys it a lot to throw snowballs at me!
(Or to grill or to skin me. Someone got to stop her!!)
I should have stopped her!! 8) |
- So I went to some safer, snow-less area - Melabrions mines! Have not been
there in a long while! And I remember that I had a really hard time once.. but this time
we performed much better. The Tok'hans were quite fierce and one of the olive ones
gave us major pain. But in the end - of course - we won! Yay us!
Tok'han hunting in the mines... Arr! |
- Well, some hunts are not so successful. I started out with strong Chalamantra
to have some fun! So we cleared lily pond (not much to do there, actually) and then she
suggested to peek into Janners grove. Guess some critters had also the same
thought. It was completely packed! But we had a lot of nice birdies. Thanks for the
recue, folks! It was totally crazy, never saw so much trouble in one spot! 8)
Sightseeing trip to Janners...crazy!! |
- Oh yes, no way to forget that "nekkid hunt" Yor organized lately! He invited all
non-shy folks to join a hunt in the jade noids - with clothing optional, but prefered
without. *chuckle*
Frucy got so excited that she jumped into the deep cavern of the regular noids instead.
We went and got her up so we could her enjoy her company as our troops had some
real problems with the noids. Slyph did also her best to entertain us! (No, she
did not sing! 8) After long hard fighting Natas showed up and helped a bit out. Thanks
for that quick chain! Thats enough with nekkid hunting for me in a while - but count me in
next time!!
Nekkid hunting down in the jade noids! |
posted 2003-09-01 00:45:58 CET - 1 comment [Viewed 2465 times]