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Full Moon Day

 56 Autumn 551 (06 October 2003)

  • Lets see what happend over the last zodiacs - ah yes, I did some nice fun hunting with a group of five healers! All for me! Yay! Originally I was up on the cloud with Catweazle, as he fell to some fierce polar bear. Tori came and brought some newish in-training healers. I tried by best in bricking and overall it was a very funny hunt with them, and some of them never been on the cloud before! We did show them the nice tour, thanks to everyone! 8)
Well protected cloud hunting! (Me and five healers!)
  • On another short trip through the north western forest I found my friends Murur and Gautama. Grasphing the magic of the moment we did a little posing to remind us of the good old times in Edaria!

Viva Edaria!
  • And again I joined a little hunt to brick a bit. Curmudgeon asked me if I wanted to come along to kitty beach with Pel and Lucent. Luckily my training with detha was sufficent and we had no problems at all! Then we were bold enough to try for giant crawlers at the south beach, where Pel unfortunately became unlucky. But additional healer power arrived quickly. Looking forward to do some small hunting again! 8)
Fun hunting south forest!
  • Oh yes, after spending some time south of town it was just right to go back to be the newbie myself! We did go to Fat Alices hut and there I learned that it was full moon today. So even at daytime the lyfes we encountered were much harder than usual. But we still had not much problems with an orgaberry lyfe, and after cleaning the basement we rowed over to do the cove. Well, there we found a starbuck lyfe, which proved to be unkillable for us. But we tried! Even several times! But then another buck joined the first and we saw no point in constant rescuing and no progress. Dooooh.. and lots of thanks for the rescues! 8)
Full Moon on KI... bad idea!

  posted 2003-10-06 00:25:09 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2504 times]

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