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Stay in the line, please!

 20 Spring 552 (10 November 2003)

  • Dooh, bad Hor. Sorry for not updating a long time! I even were out of the lib several times, but just did not manage to write a proper report.
    And there was a lot of interesting stuff lately. Like the third foothills trip organized by Fundin - this time using these controversial portals. We gathered in meadow and only heard about the efforts of Yor, Valtrim and some others to retrieve one end of the portal from the KI tunnels. And the effort paid off! Yikes - suddenly the portal was here! Zorton then teleported it again, so it ended up within camp dred, beyond the foothills. Very nice and I had never seen how it was done before! Somehow the other end of the portal arrived also in meadow and the crowd jumped in!
Using the portal not quite secretly!
  • Once we arrived at our destination there was suddenly a lot of shouting and yelling. Apparently we were looking for some "git"-person, but it won't show up. So we just continued to the waterfall and stepped down into the malachite noid cavern.

And all this shouting!
  • On the remaining trip we stood mostly orderly in lines. Actually I was not very helpful, so waiting was the only option. Sometimes some noids had broken through, but there was never any real danger. Unfortunately the purpose of the trip (to reach the advanced pathfinding book) failed - and several exiles could not be retrieved from the web cavern. Most of us others came home in one piece, though.
    I think I should stick to lilly pond instead.... hmmm 8)
Waiting for tickets!?
  • Well, otherwise I can report from a successful rescue! Apparently a group was fallen deep within Melabrion mines. Talin asked me if I could help and I gladly went. Once there I was puzzled first as we did not enter the mines via the northern entrance, but through a new one, in the eastern wall. Perhaps I always missed it, but I was never there before. We had to battle several cave cobras and a bunch of very fierce Tok'hans, but in the end we were victorious! Yay us! Always very pleasing to look into the relieved faces of folks fallen for a looooong time! 8)
Yay for the rescue from Melabrions mines!
  • And yes - something funny I picked up from a place called "the fairgrounds". Everything there is not to be taken seriously, so I leave it to the reader to figure out what happend there! 8)

What the heck? Bad dream!

  posted 2003-11-10 01:30:17 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2688 times]

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